Since 2009, we have led the effort to support families who have endured the tragedy of a pregnancy loss or newborn death.
Our Mission
The Forget Me Not Foundation is dedicated to supporting families who have lost babies during pregnancy, birth, or shortly after birth and educating the medical community about the emotional needs of such families.
The funds raised by the foundation support educational programs for the medical community and provide supportive materials to families affected by pregnancy or newborn loss.
The Forget Me Not Foundation was established in memory of Emma Grace Barry, a beautiful baby girl born still on August 11, 2009. Emma was lost due to a nuchal cord accident at 35+5 weeks. Founders Dave and Melissa Barry are determined to celebrate Emma's life by helping families suffering through the death of a baby.
“The Forget Me Not Foundation has made such a huge impact on the care we provide for our families, and I’m very proud to be a small part of that. Thank you for all that you do.”
What We've Achieved
Sent 2 Hackensack University Medical Center Labor & Delivery nurses to The International Conference on Perinatal Bereavement in November 2010.
Supplied hundreds of memory boxes and bereavement materials to area hospitals.
Sent 20 Hackensack University Medical Center health care professionals to the Resolve Through Sharing bereavement training held at Good Samaritan Hospital in Suffern, NY in May 2011.
Developed a grief handbook which is distributed to families while they are in the hospital.
Provided digital cameras, printers and memory cards to the Labor & Delivery & NICU units at Hackensack University Medical Center allowing families to take and bring home as many photos of their precious baby as they would like.
Hosted the Resolve Through Sharing bereavement training at Hackensack University Medical Center in April 2013. Over 50 health care professional from the tri-state area attended the three day conference.
Developed a brochure to provide hospitals, obstetricians, pediatricians and others involved in the care of bereaved families a resource they can give to their patient who has lost a baby.